Vogan Prime

Vogan Prime - a city built on the ruins of what was once a mighty empire. When the city was called Vogan, millions flocked to what started as society ruled and governed by those of noble heart and pure intention. A golden age of peace and prosperity followed, and the impenetrable Gothic fortress was a beacon by which all other city states sought to emulate.
This was not to last, and slowly but surely those in power gave in to a dark corruption the histories only refer to as Chaos. Soon, the government's greed and decadence grew to blatant disdain for their own people. While the archives are unclear about what followed, it is agreed that the peoples of Vogan brought a terrible wrath and ruin upon the city, before migrating to other more prosperous worlds with their utopian concepts. 

Being the capital city of Valentine, a planet that is located at the crossroads of three of the galaxy's major trade routes, the abandoned city of Vogan was used as a smuggler's cove for a brief period, before The Syndicate swiftly and brutally took control of the city. The Syndicate, once a low level organised crime family in the sector, grew into one of the most powerful and influential organisations in the galaxy. Now countless vessels, from cargo galleys to Diplomatic envoys, make berth at Vogan Prime, to enjoy the delicacies and pleasures from all corners of the galaxy.
A thriving metropolis built on mostly unseen foundations of crime, Vogan Prime sees new districts built on top of the ruins of the old world. The crumbling remains of old Vogan still remain however, although the remnants of the primitive Gothic architecture are slowly giving ground to the encroaching expansion.

But now, a violent internal power struggle within The Syndicate has shattered the long-established hierarchy of the crime organisation. Almost overnight, a new Father has risen to the head of the crime family, carving a bloody path to the organisation's apex. After the dust had settled, The Syndicate had lost the unquestioned domination they held over Vogan Prime, only able to re consolidate enough power to hold the central fortress sector of the city. 

Now, major factions from all around the galaxy now vie to control Vogan Prime... 

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